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"Kitchens: Sweet Spot" - Carolina Home & Garden

"If one is fortunate, there is a place in the home and, indeed, in one’s life, where all the disparate elements seem to converge into a pleasing balance. Some call it the “golden mean” but for most of us, it’s simply “the sweet spot.” In Laura and David Bourne’s Asheville home, that’s the kitchen. 


Which is not to say that the rest of the house isn’t quite lovely. A 1950s ranch in a charming, family neighborhood, its solid bones and hillside location (with exquisite Doan Ogden landscaping) drew the Bournes from the start. 


But after living in the house for four years they realized that there were some modifications necessary to make..."

Kate O'Connor, Spring 2011

"A friend told me in order to have a successful career in Asheville you needed to approach it in three directions.  Charlton Bradsher is going all out in creating his modern lifestyle by reselling folk art antiques from WNC, selling fine art and designing modernist interiors and architecture.


Charlton, along with his wife, moved to Asheville in 1993 from Southern California.  One of his first ventures was starting the Folk Art gallery on Biltmore Ave. at a time when downtown was half empty.  He ran the gallery for several years before..."

Troy Winterrowd, March 2009

Charlton Bradsher's personal residence was featured in the Ashville Citizen Times gallery as Home of the Week. 


John Fletcher, Feburary 2012

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